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Sea Fever 5 Schedule of Events and Billing
Auditorium Friday June 25th

Justin Marozzi - The Arab Conquests
Widely acclaimed historian, journalist and travel writer Justin Marozzi lifts the cover on his latest book, The Arab Conquests.
Peter Stanford -
Pilgrimage: Journeys of Meaning
The writer, editor, journalist and presenter Peter Stanford discusses his new book. What a tempting prospect of travel….!

AK Blakemore -
The Manningtree Witches
AK Blakemore burst onto the literary scene with two remarkable poetry collections. These she has just trumped with a widely acclaimed debut novel, set close to the water, not all that far from here…...
Jonty Driver - Still Further
South African anti-apartheid activist, former political prisoner, educationalist, poet and writer talks about and reads from his latest collection of poems, 2000-2020. In discussion with the poet Sally Festing.